Saturday, June 4, 2011

In other news...

It isn't easy being three. His shoe to foot matching is not random as he gets it wrong close to 100% of trials. The mismatched shoes are a matter of hurrying to get outside.

2011 Relay for Life

Maggie and her brother Chance took part in the Relay for Life in King William County. It was surprising to find the number of people we knew who had been both touched by cancer and who were determined to do something about it. Maggie did the survivor's lap, the caretakers lap and then had some cake. What a beautiful and well organized event.

New friend Katherine. Lovely.

We know nine of the folks in this shot

"It's not a dress, Veronica. It's a SHIRT!"
Chance, Coltrane & Pete

The Communion of Saints was there

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bad Traffic

Freeway is closed following an accident. We are crawling in traffic on the way to the chemo clinic. Maggie took this. She said it reminded her of Jesus.